- Registration & AUSkey
- ACFR: Online Form Assistance
- Higher Accommodation Supplement (Significant Refurbishment) FAQs
- General FAQs
Registering for Access
Note: to get started, the principal authority (business owner) needs to complete the following steps:Step 1: Set up your myID
If you don't already have a myID, you will need to get one. Visit the myID website for more information. You will need to download the myID app from the App Store or Google Play and use your Australian identity documents to enrol.
Step 2: Link your businesses
Log in to RAM using your myID and link your business. Before you link your business, check your details on the Australian Business Register are up to date so RAM can use the correct information.
Step 3: (optional) Authorise Access for Employees
Authorise your employees and others in RAM to act on behalf of your business online. They will receive an email to accept the authorisation request using their myID.
Step 4: Register your myID with Forms Administration
If you have completed Steps 1-3 (above), please copy and paste the ACFR Portal - Request for Access template (below) into a new email or alternatively download the Request for Access document. Complete the relevant information (making sure that the relevant details are EXACTLY as they appear on your myID) and then return to health@formsadministration.com.au.
ACFR Portal - Request for Access
I would like to request access to the ACFR via Forms Administration Online System using my myID. I have approval from my organisation to access data related to my service as I am a Company Executive/Key Personnel (eg. CEO/CFO/Director/Board Member/Executive Decision Maker) or have been authorised by a Key Personnel to do so.
My name as it appears on my myID is:
My Position is:
My ABN as it appears on my myID is:
My NAPS ID is:
My contact number is:
My contact email is:
Name of authorising Key Personnel is:
Position of authorising Key Personnel is:
Email of authorising Key Personnel is:
Contact phone number of authorising Key Personnel is:
Once you have sent this e-mail, please wait for a response from Forms Administration before trying to login. Until you receive a response, any attempts to login will be unsuccessful.
Need more assistance with your myID?For more information and advice, visit:
About myID
Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM)