Quarterly Financial Report (QFR)
The Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) is now available on GPMS and aged care providers will commence using the new application to submit their QFR from January 2024 for their Quarter 2 2023-24 (1 October to 31 December 2023) reporting.
To access the QFR application in GPMS you will need your organisation's GPMS Administrator to set you up as a Financial Reporting user. We encourage you to have your access set up and check you can log into GPMS and access the 'Financial Reporting' tile in preparation for QFR Quarter 2 submissions which open in January 2024.
Note: Quarter 1 submissions and re-submissions are still being completed on the Forms Administration platform, if you require our assistance with your Quarter 1 QFR submission, please call the Forms Administration helpdesk on (02) 4403 0640.
GPMS Quick Reference Guides and Assistance • Organisation Administrators should follow the Quick reference guide Adding a new Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) Financial Reporting user in GPMS. • You and your Organisation Administrator can login to GPMS here - Log In Using | Service Provier Portal (health.gov.au).
If you need help logging into GPMS please call the My Aged Care Service, Provider and Assessor Helpline on 1800 836 799. It is open Monday to Friday (8am to 8pm) and Saturday (10am to 2pm) local time across Australia.